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March 4, 2024

Secrets to Running a Successful Web Design Agency in 2024


Today, let's delve into how I manage my agency and the tried-and-true process I've honed to ensure top-notch client satisfaction and loyalty. It took me more than 6 years of freelancing and learning from mistakes to craft this method. So, let's dive into the step-by-step process I implement in my projects to help you bypass the time and financial investment I've made to reach this point.

9 Step Formula

Lead Generation

Lead generation kicks off the process. In my agency, we primarily generate leads through client referrals, which happen organically when happy clients spread the word to other business owners. The second avenue for lead generation is through our YouTube channel, where over 3 years of web design content has attracted potential clients. This content strategy significantly boosted our lead generation compared to before starting the channel.

Client Vetting

Once leads come in, clients complete an email form on our website, providing details such as pricing, deadlines, expectations, and project requirements. This form streamlines our vetting process, ensuring potential clients align with our services and saving time on unnecessary back-and-forth.

Initial Call and Project Assessment

Upon reviewing the client's details and project scope, we proceed to the initial call with the client and project managers. Drawing from our experience, we gauge project timelines and feasibility. If a client's project timeline doesn't align with realistic expectations, we address this early on to avoid miscommunications down the line.

Understanding Client Needs

During the initial call, we focus on understanding the client's needs, prioritizing their requirements to set the foundation for successful collaboration. We also openly discuss deadlines, contracts, and budget considerations, providing transparency from the outset. This upfront approach sets expectations and fosters trust, ensuring both parties are on the same page regarding project scope and financial commitments.

Agreement and Project Commencement

Following the call, we consult with our team to confirm the project's feasibility within the agreed timeline and budget. With clear expectations established, we finalize the agreement, ready to commence work with a shared understanding of project requirements and deliverables. This structured process not only ensures clarity but also builds a solid foundation for successful project execution.

Project Payment and Kickoff

The process we follow is crucial for our projects. When all details are agreed upon and contracts are signed, we request 50% project payment upfront. This upfront payment is essential as we don't proceed without it. The kickoff call marks the point where our client and team come together for a discovery session. It's a pivotal moment where the project manager grasps the client's needs, discusses possibilities with the designers, and aligns on what can be achieved within the given timeframe.

Project Management with Notion

After the project initiation, we transition to Notion, our CRM tool. Notion serves as our project management hub, housing project details, resources like Figma files, and task statuses. Meeting notes from the kickoff call, including date, objectives, and key notes, are documented and stored for reference. This internal view guides our progress and ensures alignment with discussed points. The client, however, has access to a tailored dashboard presenting an overview of project status, progress, and upcoming tasks. This transparency empowers clients to stay informed without feeling disconnected.

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Tool Utilization

Our agency leverages essential tools like Figma for design, Webflow for development, and Loom for recording. For smaller projects or simple landing pages, Framer is utilized. Loom recordings serve as feedback rounds, providing clients with detailed insights into the project status and upcoming milestones.

As projects evolve, additional Loom recordings are generated to keep clients updated on progress and upcoming tasks. This approach fosters clear communication and ensures clients are engaged throughout the project journey.


To enhance productivity, it is crucial to work more efficiently. By doing so, employees can access all necessary information, including past projects, using platforms like Loom. Communication methods vary, with options like Slack, Discord, email, or Teams being utilized based on the company's preference.


After completing a project, the focus shifts to retaining clients through maintenance, ongoing development, or web design services. This strategy, recently implemented, allows for leveraging past client relationships to drive additional revenue. I recommend reaching out to former clients to offer maintenance services. By establishing a retainer system, you can create a stable income stream.


Transitioning to discussing financial aspects, project earnings typically start at $10,000. While some agencies may perceive this as unrealistic, it is crucial to value your services appropriately. It's not worth opening the door for that sum of money. Freelancers and other agencies may express enthusiasm for projects, but it's crucial to remember that agencies operate at various levels globally. Some handle $10 million web projects and applications, while others work on $100 websites. There's space for growth and diversity.

Webflow Experts Program

Our agency, newly accepted into the Webflow Experts program, is kicking off with a $10K minimum project. I'm content with this starting point. While some agencies require a minimum of $200K per project, there's always room for progress and education. Embracing continuous learning is key. We regularly meet with other agency owners for knowledge sharing and growth. For instance, we have a meeting scheduled with an agency owner generating $200,000 monthly solely through retainer services. These exchanges are invaluable for our agency's development. I encourage setting up such meetings for mutual learning.


We are continuously refining our approach to running a Webflow agency, focusing on client interaction, process optimization, and ongoing learning. Our methodology, developed over six years, emphasizes service excellence and client satisfaction. By prioritizing lead generation, client vetting, clear communication, tool utilization, productivity, and maintenance, we have established a strong foundation for projects of all sizes, driving financial growth. Engaging with programs like the Webflow Experts Program and fostering community connections, we aim not only to succeed but to set new standards in web design services. Our journey is ongoing, evolving as we embrace new ideas, technologies, and partnerships to propel our agency forward. This process goes beyond a mere blueprint; it embodies a philosophy of continuous growth and unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional digital experiences.